Pricing & Info


  • Fraser Fir
  • Canaan Fir
  • Balsam Fir
  • Colorado Blue Spruce
  • Norway Spruce
  • Scotch Pine
  • White Pine

Cut Your Own Pricing

  • $22 for pines under 4 feet
  • $52 for pines 5 feet to 8 feet
  • $99 for pines 9 feet and taller
  • $42 for Spruce & Fir under 4 feet
  • $81 for Spruce & Fir 5 feet to 8 feet
  • $128 for Spruce & Fir 9 feet and taller

Pre-cut Pricing

Pre-cut trees are all tagged and many are displayed in our indoor sales barn
Pines start at $11 per foot
Spruces and Firs start at $13 per foot

All of our prices are plus tax
Shaking $.75, Baling $1.25

In our Tree Barn we have a large selection of wreaths from 18 inches in diameter thru 8 foot.

We also have many specialty greens, square wreaths, candy canes, crosses and other shapes as well as garland, and cemetery items.

Please call for pricing for wreaths and greens.